Celebrating Nonprofit Failure
FailFest is a storytelling event for nonprofits to celebrate their epic fails. Nonprofits are sometimes held to higher standards than for-profit organizations. But how do we learn to soar without falling down – at least a few times?! This event allows area nonprofit leaders to share their stories of failure and how they turned it into success. This event will feature a collection of recruited, trained and curated “star failures”. Come cheer on these brave souls!
AS OF 2020: To everything there is a season, as they say, and we (your fearless planners) have made the decision to press pause on Failfest this year. You heard us right, we’re pausing a successful and celebrated platform for speaking into risk, why in the world would we do that? Simply put – because it feels right. And that’s ok. You’ve trusted us with your stories for the last five years, you’ve allowed us to curate a safe space to share really personal and important details from your lives, and we are so incredibly grateful. And now we’re asking for you to trust us. Too often in our sector, we fall into the trap of “continuing to do things because they’ve always been done,” and we are modeling permission to pause in 2020. We encourage you to make this the year that you take a breath, ask questions about the work you’re doing, and pivot as needed. The four of us will regroup in the fall to decide if it’s time to hit play or not in 2021, and we’ll be in touch either way. We thank you, we appreciate you, and we can’t wait to hear what 2020 brings for each and every one of you. Don’t be strangers, drop us a note!
Heather Yandow, Third Space Studio
Dawn Crawford, BCDC Ideas
Meg Farrell Buckingham, Triangle Community Foundation
Heidi Hannapel, Land Matters
Get social with our hashtag #FailFestNC
Past Speakers Who Were Brave Enough To Share Their Fail
Volunteer Coordinator of Democracy NC and Chair of YNPN Triangle NC’s Summit Committee
Human Services Management Consultant, Community Volunteer, and Organizer
Nonprofit Consultant at DonWellsConsulting, Inc.
This Event is Created, Hosted and Cared For By
Consultant, Landmatters